Monday, July 28, 2008


I didn't have anything fun to say and the rest of my week may be a little crazy busy so I thought I could slip in a picture of my cute kitties. I love them as much as my kids and have just about as many pictures of them too! The one up top is Tyler, the one hidden is Gidget, and the one taking up the entire rest of the couch is Lump (or Harley which we never call him). As you can tell it's their house and they just let us live here. I know this is a lame blog but it's mine and I can do what I want! (hehehe:-)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Male bonding

On a slow Saturday afternoon there is nothing better than a little one-on-one time with the boy child! Our backyard pool was one of the best investments for our little fish. He would spend every waking moment in there if I would allow it. I think it's time for swimming lessons! He is going to have the hardest time dealing with school starting since he'd much rather be outside barefooted than anywhere. He and daddy had a great time that then turned into a quick game of hoops before dinner. The dogs didn't mind it much either!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The 24th of July

I know to those of you not from Utah the 24th of July is just another day but to us, it's a holiday! We went next door to Grandma and Grandpa's and had a BBQ. We set up the slip-and-slide and watched baseball. I never knew how much fun a $10 slip-and-slide could be. I'm not sure if the kids had more fun on the slide or reenacting an episode of WWF. They spent most of their time trying to throw each other in the sprinkler and pushing each other out of the pool end of the slide. I also had no idea my husband and dad could snore in unison!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here we go....

So, I have seen all these cute blogs from other friends and thought my family should have one too! This is for everyone who knows how bad I am at keeping in touch and keeping up with pics of the kids. I will try to keep this site as up to date as possible.

