Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Outstanding Standings....

McKenna's Indoor Soccer season ended with a bang. Her team finished first in their division. She also scored enough goals to make the high scorers list! She has come such a long way in her playing and is really starting to get competitive. We love watching her play and are definitely her biggest fans (us and Grandma and Grandpa that is)!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Drive in...

The sixth grade started off their year by making a deal with their teachers that if they were prepared everyday, and earned sufficient points by doing so, that they would receive a killer party at the end of each term. Thus far, Kenna has earned her way in to every party. This last party had a drive-in theme. The kids were asked to build cardboard cars that they could wear over their shoulders. Kenna and Casey spent the better part of a Sunday afternoon cutting, gluing, and constructing the perfect convertible. I then took it to the garage where we spray painted it baby blue (Kenna's favorite color). From there it was all up to her to decorate and customize it just in time for the big night.

They were invited to the school from 6:30 pm till 9:30 pm to partake in the festivities. They had to pass a drivers test (obstacle course using flat scooters), earn a drivers license, watch a movie, and participate in an optional demolition derby (killing the cars their parents spent countless hours building!).

When Kristi and I got there to pick them up it was complete chaos. They had a great time running the pitch black halls of the school where the boys were going out of their way to scare the girls. They had pop and popcorn for their movie and danced to Mrs. Porters i-pod collection. These kids truly lucked out with the wonderful teachers they have. Congrats Kenna, you are a remarkable student!

Happy Birthday Uncle Timmy!!!

We had a wonderful night out to dinner with my mom and dad, Casey's aunt Kelli and uncle Tim, and our brood. We went to one of our favorites, El Matador. Since it was the day before Tim's birthday we decided to have the waiter announce it to the entire restaurant while we all sang to him and wearing the ever popular sombrero. Luckily Tim is a very patient and laid back personality and he took the embarrassment with a rock on and a smile. It was a great night and we will hopefully be doing it again soon! Love you Uncle Tim and happy 50th!